Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Looking Ahead and Getting Ready

          Tomorrow I have an appointment at the Duke Travel Clinic.  Sherri recommended that I check with Duke about which immunizations and malaria prevention medication I need to have.  When I first traveled to Tabasco, Mexico in 1994, I took a certain kind of malaria prevention medicine which caused me to have strange waking and sleeping hallucinations.  I hope that doesn't happen again!

           Some immunizations/medications I may need to have include Hepatitis A and B, typhoid, malaria, and Cipro (antibiotic).

           On a trip to Tabasco, Mexico in the 1990's, a friend who is a family practice physician used to pass out "before-and-after dinner mints" on the van (Pepto Bismol tablets).  That seemed to work well, and Sherri recommends the same treatment.

          Dustin has asked me if I would like to take an overnight trip to a wildlife park.  This will be a great adventure.  Other folks who have had the opportunity to see animals in the African wild have encouraged me to take advantage of any opportunity I may have.  Many people know that I love elephants (and have since I was a little boy).  Perhaps I'll have the chance to see some magnificent elephants in their natural habitat.

            I have finished working through the chapters and exercises in the Greek grammar textbook.
Now I need to go back and review again and start thinking about lesson plans and quizzes.  It's been fun working with the Greek again! 
                                              The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and
                                              the love of God and the communion
                                              of the Holy Spirit be with all of you.
                                                                                        2 Corinthians 13:13

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