Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Dinner at the Kroesbergens' House

         Marty and I were hosted for dinner by Dr. Hermen and Rev. Johanneke Kroesbergen this evening.  They are a young couple from the Netherlands who have been teaching at JMTUC for about 18 months.  Hermen teaches systematic theology and spirituality.  Johanneke teaches humanities (e.g., sociology, psychology).  She is also doing research on Satanism in the Zambian culture for her Ph.D. dissertation.

         We ate by candlelight, as the power went off about an hour before we went to their house.  The power came on about fifteen minutes before we headed back to our house.  The power has not been shut off for quite a few nights.


 It was very interesting talking with Hermen and Johanneke about teaching at JMTUC, their theological training, life in the Netherlands, etc.  One of the most rewarding things about my time here is meeting people from other countries who are working at this college.  It is an enriching experience. 

      As I said in my earlier blog today, it has been quite chilly here today.  The house in which we're staying is unheated and is made of cinder blocks with concrete floors.  It's been almost as cold in the house as outside.  Somehow Dr. Chilenje, the college chaplain and dean of students, must have heard that I have been cold (all I have is a light jacket).  He came to our house today with some coats and sweaters for me to try on.  What a difference that made!

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