Tuesday, June 11, 2013

It's a Small (Presbyterian) World!

          This afternoon I met with Dora, one of my students, who had told me she was getting behind in her work and having trouble understanding some things.  Actually, she has a pretty good grasp of what we're studying in class, she just needed some further explanation and some encouragement.  When we were done working on several translation sentences, she uttered the universal student lament, "When you're teaching in class, it makes sense.  When I'm working on my own, it doesn't!"
           Late this afternoon I met up with Dr. Chilenje on the path outside my house.  Dr. Chilenje is the dean of students and college chaplain.  He also teaches church history, church polity, and missions.  He used to serve as General Secretary for the one of the Presbyterian denominations, but was called to serve at the college about nine years ago.  He is an alumnus of JMTUC.  We sat in some chairs under the trees and talked about many things.  It turns out that he was a representative at last summers General Assembly meeting in Pittsburgh, at which I served as a commissioner from our presbytery.  Now I do remember him speaking briefly during a commissioning service.  He is a delightful man.  Here is his picture.

               As I was walking back to my house, I saw some students playing volleyball.  That brought back memories of our seminary days, when we would blow off steam after class with some heated volleyball matches.

                The internet is coming in and out right now.  I'll have to finish this blog entry later.

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