Tuesday, June 11, 2013

It's a Small (Presbyterian) World! (continued)

          Here's a picture of some of the students playing volleyball.  This brought back memories from our seminary days when we used to blow off steam with some heated volleyball matches.  No classes are held after 4 p.m.  That's when students take part in sports and other activities.

         Here are some pictures of some children who were playing near the volleyball court.  I'm pretty sure they are children of students.  They liked having their pictures made and then seeing them on the camera.

         Curt and Regina Simpson have developed a good e-mail relationship with a 4th year student, Zacchaeus Chilembo.  During break time this morning, Dustin introduced me to Zacchaeus.  This afternoon, Zacchaeus was at the volleyball court.  He and I visited for about thirty minutes.  He and his wife have a new baby boy, born April 14.  They also have a six year-old and a four year-old.  He will finish his classes at the end of this intensive three week term, then he will complete his senior research paper.  After that he will graduate and be a pastor.  Here's a picture of me and Zacchaeus.

            Tonight Marty and I ate pizza from Pizza Inn at the Ellingtons' house.  After supper we had a long conversation with Dustin and Sherri about the church, the college here in Lusaka, cultural differences, missions, and many other topics.  Please keep the Ellington family in your prayers as they pack to come home to the States for a year and as they continue their work here in Lusaka.  It's challenging work.
              Tomorrow:  croc burgers for lunch!

1 comment:

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