Monday, May 13, 2013

Bikes for Zambia

     A couple of years ago, we designated our Christmas St. Nicholas Project as "Bikes for Zambia."  The money we collected was used to buy bicycles for the graduates of the Justo Mwale Theological University College.  Each graduate is given a new bicycle to use in his ministry.  At Christmas 2011, we collected money once again for bicycles for graduating seniors.
       Traditionally, graudation at JMTUC has been held in November.  This year, graduation was held on Saturday, May 11.  We purchased bikes for the nineteen graduates of the bachelor's program.  Here are the pictures Dustin sent me of some of the graduates receiving their bikes.  Dustin said he wished we could have all seen the students' reactions, and that WPC is making a difference in the church in Zambia.  To see more pictures and to read about Saturday's graduation, visit

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