Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Preaching in Zambia

          Today I received an invitation to preach at the Friday, June 14 chapel service at Justo Mwale Theological University College.  The invitation came from the college chaplain, via the Dean of Studies Dr. Lameck Banda, via Dustin.  Dustin had mentioned the possibility to the chaplain a while back, but just heard from Dr. Banda today.  This is quite an honor.
          The college has three chapel services each week, two of which are led by students.  The Friday chapel service apparently is led by faculty and administration.  Dustin tells me the school's theme for the year is the person and work of the pastor, and that I am free to choose any relevant text and develop my focus as I like.

          Here is your Greek lesson for today.  Read Philippians 4:4!

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