Saturday, June 8, 2013

I'm in Zambia (but my luggage isn't)

          I arrived at the Lusaka airport around 6:15 a.m. this morning (6/8), which was 12:15 a.m. Wallace time.  The flight from London was long (about 10 hours) in a smaller plane than Thursday night's.  I sat next to a man from Lusaka, perhaps late 40's, who was returning from three weeks in Italy.  His father was Italian, his mother Zambian.  He owns and operates an inn in Lusaka.  We had very interesting conversations about politics, economics, our two countries, our families, etc.
          Clearing immigration at the Lusaka airport was not a problem.  $50 for a visa and my passport was good to go.
          Unfortunately my suitcase didn't make it to Lusaka.  I had a bad feeling in the Wilmington airport that it might not make the whole trip, because the agent was distracted the whole time he was working with me.  Oh well -- the nice young woman in the Lusaka airport filled out a search request for my luggage and maybe it will show up eventually.
         The weather here is wonderful.  It's now a little after 5 p.m. on Saturday.  The temperature is probably in the low 70's, no humidity, blue sky.  When I got off the plane this morning, I could see my breath.
         I was exhausted when I got to the college, so I crashed for about four hours.  Dustin took me on a tour of the campus and showed me the classroom I'll be using.  The campus looks pretty much as I expected.  What I've seen so far (on the drive in from the airport and surrounding the school) reminds me a lot of Tabasco, Mexico, just not as tropical.
         I'm staying in a little house next door to the Ellingtons.  My housemate is Dr. Marty Soards, professor of NT at Louisville Presbyterian Seminary.
         Dustin and Sherri got me a Zambian cellphone (which doesn't work so far) and a device for my laptop so I can access WiFi.  So, I should be able to blog pretty regularly.
         I'm going to stay home tonight and rest.  The Ellingtons are at a going away party for the friend of one of their boys.  Tonight is prom night for Clayton.
         Tomorrow I'm going to an international church with the Ellingtons. 
         Monday I start teaching.

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