Wednesday, June 26, 2013

More Zambian Cuisine

          Marty and I ate supper at Dr. Lameck Banda's house tonight.  He is the Dean of Studies at JMTUC and also teaches theology.  He is a delightful man.  I had communicated with him several times before I arrived, as I had to send my resume and a copy of my ordination certificate for their records.  He also requested a copy of my course syllabus.  I have enjoyed getting to know him.  We had a good time visiting at the Sports Festival Day. 

         Dr. Banda asked me to express his deep gratitude and appreciation to WPC for the purchase of bicycles for their graduates.  He echoed Dr. Zulu's comments from Monday night, about what a difference the bikes make for the pastors and the communities they serve.  He is also most appreciative of the people at WPC who have edited student papers.  He is interested in having more people edit papers, as the students appreciate the perspective and the help they receive.

         We had a traditional Zambian meal, a variation of which we have had at all of our Zambian hosts' homes.  Tonight we had nshema (the corn dish that is like firm grits), pasta, slaw, boiled potatoes, rice, and a kind of beef stew (the most delicious thing I've eaten in the time I've been in Zambia -- Marty agreed!).

         We had a good time talking about soccer (the Zambians are crazy about soccer, and Mrs. Banda is, as her husband put  it, a "staunch supporter of our national team.").  There is still a chance the Zambian national team can make it to the World Cup.  They have an important match with Ghana coming up.  They have to win that match to move along.

         We also talked about American football and other sports.  Dr. Banda loves to play volleyball and to run (he is quite fast, as he showed at Sports Festival Day). 

          The Bandas have three children:  an 18 year-old son and a 16 year-old daughter, both of whom attend boarding schools away from Lusaka, and a 10 year-old daughter who ate with us tonight.  She is delightful.  Unfortunately she has not been feeling well lately.  Here is a picture of the Bandas.  His wife's name is Catherine Shane Banda.  Their daughter's name is Chimwemwe, which means "joy."  That seems to be an apt name, for she was smiling and happy on Saturday.  She's not smiling in this picture, but she had just about gone to sleep when Dr. Banda roused her for this picture.

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