Tuesday, June 18, 2013

PC(USA) World Missions

            Today I went out to lunch with Nancy Collins.  Nancy is the PC(USA) regional liaison for East Central Africa.  She works with PC(USA) mission co-workers in Zambia, Malawi, Rwanda, and Kenya.  She also works very closely with the CCAP (Church of Central Africa Presbyterian) in the partnership between that denomination and the PC(USA).
             A woman from a Presbyterian church in Austin, Texas also went to lunch with us.  She is part of a group of five women who arrived yesterday.  Their church has a partnership with a congregation in Zambia.
             Nancy and I talked about PC(USA) world missions and the new direction the director of World Missions, Hunter Farrell, is taking the program.  There are three main objectives for PC(USA) mission now:  addressing the root causes of poverty; evangelism (which also includes teaching and training of local leaders); and reconciliation (which includes violence against women and children).  Countries are prioritized for placement of mission co-workers based on the needs in these three areas.  Zambia has been identified as a priority country, primarily because of the extreme poverty in this country.  Three people have been named as "catalysts" to spearhead missions for each of the three objectives.
             Nancy previously served as a mission co-worker in Egypt for eleven years.  We went to lunch at the DeliZambia.  The food was delicious, but the outdoor seating proved to be very cold.  It's very chilly and windy here in Zambia today.  Here's a picture of me and Nancy at lunch.

          Here are some pictures of scenes out of the car window.
         I don't know what this building is -- maybe a Muslim mosque?
          Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses
           I took this shot primarily for Jackson's benefit!

            I realize this picture isn't very good.  This beautifully landscaped circle is in the midst of a roundabout.  There is a sign in the middle of the circle that says something like "Road Improvements Project -- A Gift from the People of Japan to Lusaka."

          Notice the Chinese characters on the sign.  Sherri said this is a brand new hotel just opened by the Chinese.

          I saw this housing development (very large) which is under construction.  It is government funded and intended to be housing for middle-class workers.

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